You've written that book. How do you make it past the slush piles, the agents, and the pitching? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What habits do you need to change, and how can you better pull in the reader and make them want to know what happens next? For $25, receive in-line edits and comments on the first 10 double-spaced pages of your book and find out: -Your strengths -Your weaknesses -What to fix and how Apply what you learn to the rest of your manuscript to strengthen your overall writing skills and improve your stories!
Book your 10-page project now. Clean, PG-rated material only.
"Annika is a fantastic beta reader! She's fast and insightful in her feedback. I was especially impressed with her ability to kill my darlings and make my story so much stronger. It's a rare reader who can provide constructive feedback while also reigniting your motivation to work on a manuscript you haven't touched in months. Thank you, Annika, for getting me excited about my book again." -Sara Ricords
"Annika’s literary expertise and advice are invaluable, especially when it comes to developmental editing. Her kind suggestions helped me strengthen plot points, make my characters more dimensional, and add depth to the world I wrote. She does a good job at balancing positive feedback and constructive criticism. Not once did I ever feel like Annika was tearing my book apart. I could tell that every edit and suggestion was backed by a desire to see me succeed as a writer. I would definitely use her services again!" - Brittney Cruz Yee
On my writing skills: "Wow, it has been so fun and such a pleasure to edit your manuscript. I know I’ve already told you in a few emails how impressed I’ve been with the writing and story, but let me just reiterate—you are the kind of client I dream about having because I was able to really enjoy your writing while pointing out the areas that could be improved. ... I was impressed at how often your words made me laugh out loud, squeal in delight, or even gasp from a variety of other intense emotions I experienced as I read." -Brittany Passmore